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April 25th, 2019

Alba Town lights up with "Vinum"

"Vinum", the National Fair of the great wines of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato opens its doors on Thursday 25 April. 

April 9th

The "Giro del Nizza"

The ninth edition of the "Giro del Nizza" takes place on Sunday 14th April.

In Motta di Costigliole d’Asti “Ortogiardinovino & Dispensa” goes live

After the novelty of the two previews that took place over the past weekend, the great event "Ortogiardinovino & Dispensa" is coming to life.

April 1st

“Fritto Misto” in Bazzana di Mombaruzzo

Saturday 6 April, the Bazzana hamlet of Mombaruzzo proposes the traditional "Fritto Misto alla Bazzanese".

March 18th

The "Festa delle Frittelle" in Rocchetta Palafea

Sunday 24 March the traditional "Festa delle Frittelle" returns in the historic center of the Municipality of Rocchetta Palafea. 

March 5th

"Polentonissimo" in Monastero Bormida

Sunday, March 10 at Monastero Bormida the tradition of the "Polentonissimo" is renewed.

"Asti Choco Fest"

Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 March the city of Asti hosts the Chocolate Festival. 

January 14th

La Scuola Enologica di Alba presenta il nuovo corso previsto a Santo Stefano Belbo

Martedì 15 gennaio verrà illustrato il nuovo corso professionale per l’agricoltura attivo a Santo Stefano Belbo dall’anno scolastico 2019/2020.

December 10th, 2018

The annual Vesime fair

Sunday December 15th the Municipality of Vesime invites to the traditional "Fiera di Santa Lucia e del Cappone".

November 28th

The Fiera dei Cubiot in Santo Stefano Belbo

The appointment with the traditional Cubiot Fair of Santo Stefano Belbo is renewed.