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Sunday 22 November the regional vinery “Colline del Moscato” of Mango that have center in the Castle entertains so many sweetness for great and tiny and a triumph of delights among thousand little bubbles. "Pasticceri alla corte del Re Dolce" it is the title of the event, spectacular and savory, that still introduces with a richer and savory program in comparison to the preceding years. The morning will be devoted to the evaluations of the judges for the 1° Contest "Giovani pasticceri alla corte del Re Dolce", to which the students of four schools participate with different elaborate. During the whole day the public can taste the sweets proposed by the students and also the cakes prepared by the housekeepers of Mango, in combining with two most beloved wines to the world: Moscato d’Asti DOCG and Asti DOCG. In the afternoon, after the awardings, an unpublished video will be introduced, devoted to a historical wine cellar of Mango: the first one of a series devoted to the history of the Hills of the Moscato and the producers that have made her Patrimony of the Humanity with their job. An expected moment is the "engagement" of Miss Eleganza 2015 with the Sweet King, emblem of the fizzy character of the Moscato: the wine of love. An amusing show concludes with the investiture of 12 young Riders of the Moscato that are added to those of last year to become ideal defenders of a collective patrimony of environment, culture and traditions. The event is organized by the Enoteca in collaboration with ArtStudioLetizia and with the writer Giordano Berti.INFO: tel. 0141 89291; info@enotecamoscato.com; artstudioletizia@gmail.com .