Click on the red square below to open the map of Moscato d'Asti town halls.
Sunday 18 October to Castelnuovo Belbo will develop the "Sagra Pulenta e Cunej and the fifth enological review "Wines of Castelnuovo Belbo and the community hilly Vineyards & Wines." In this rich occasion he/she offers prominence to the agricultural character of the place and his/her traditions, the country it proposes the rite of the "livrarò": the popular party that was celebrated at the end of the harvest of the grape and that it had as principal dish the polenta with the rabbit, on purpose raised for the whole year. Obviously the combining is with the wines of the local producers. Info: Common tel. +39 0141 799155; For Place tel. +39 0141 799178 (Sig. Robba); www.comune.castelnuovobelbo.at.it