Click on the red square below to open the map of Moscato d'Asti town halls.
The precious tuber that is harvested in the territory of Langhe and Monferrato has long been celebrated through autumn events that put in prominence and offer it with the gastronomic offer by associating with other products of the ground, setting up moments of animation and popular festival. At Nizza Monferrato Sunday, November 6th there will be the "Giornata del Tartufo, del Cardo Gobbo e della Barbera": an epitome of delights that invite you to sit at the table (Info: tel. +39 0141.720507 - +39 0141.727516 - www.comune. nizza.at.it). Saturday 12 and Sunday, November 13 Castagnole delle Lanze proposes the event "Vintrifula -Festa del Tartufo" (Info: tel. + 39 0141.875626 www.comune.castagnoledellelanze.at.it.) While in Canelli Sunday, November 13 is expected "Fiera Regionale del Tartufo"(Info: tel. +39 0141.820231 - +39 0141.820280 - www.canellieventi.it.). Mombaruzzo instead calls the event "Tra Vini e Tartufi": a gastronomic quality meeting in the historic center of the country to be held Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 November (Info: tel. +39 0141.77002). And 'finally scheduled to Asti the "Fiera Regionale del Tartufo" from November 20 to December 4 (Info: tel. +39 0141.399486 - www.comune.asti.it.).