Click on the red square below to open the map of Moscato d'Asti town halls.
"Happy Birthday" it is the birthday that celebrates the “Museo a Cielo Aperto” of Camo Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 October with a rich program of party and proposals for the visitors. From 6 pm of Saturday the “Ar (t) gentina & friends" and from the hours 7.30 pm rich enogastronomic appointment. At 9 pm will be "Tango in Langa": evening of argentinian tango edited by Arcibò-tango Canelli. Sunday 4 October, at 8.30 am the first assembly of sporting auto XX century that will be protagonists of a tour among the Moscato vineyards. After the “Colazione a Cielo Aperto” opened at 10 am, will follow violinist Julia Verbitskaya's concert and at the 12 will open enogastronomic run with local dishes accompanied by wines and by the music of Michele Lazzarini. For the whole day the country will entertain stands of typical products of the territory and offers the visit to the “Museo a Cielo Aperto” and to the “Museo del Riciclo”. In case of rain the event will develop in covered area.
Info and bookings: Tel. +39 0141.840100. 333.3591661. 340.2802860 comune.camo@libero.it; www.museoacieloapertodicamo.it.