Click on the red square below to open the map of Moscato d'Asti town halls.
On Sunday 20 June in Mango the “Market in the Land of Moscato” is repeated. Starting at 10 am in Piazza XX Settembre and at the ancient castle, the display of stalls with antiques and handicrafts will return.
The Punto Ristoro will offer traditional dishes: raw meat, tongue in sauce and the sweet Tiramisu proposed by the Pro Loco of Mango, and agnolotti with butter and sage by the Alpini Group. All washed down with wines from the Mango cellars: Ca and Curen, De Giorgis, Terrabianca, Federico Ferrero and Tintero. On the other hand, will offer artisanal beers from Cita Biunda di Neive.
There will therefore be again the possibility of eating outdoors, directly in the square, upon reservation of tables while seats are available; or you can order dishes and drinks for take-away.
Starting at 11 am, at the premises of the former kindergarten, games for children and fairy tales will be held in the company of the volunteers of the Manganum cultural association who, at 4 pm, will accompany visitors on a panoramic walk through the paths of the “Gnomovia”: a path full of stories and adventures to be told and experienced, suitable for all ages.
The event will take place in compliance with current anti-Covid regulations.
Info and reservations: tel. 393.7241680. Info stalls and exhibitions: tel. 348.3167773.